“What have you got there?” Asenath asks the probationer as he leafs through pages of names.
“I am making a guest list.”
Her smile freezes and she peers over his shoulder.
“That seems quite long…” she observes raising an eyebrow. Then, spluttering, “You want to invite…? Really?” She bursts into delighted laughter. “No.”
“But The Exarch said we should….”
“Elias, Elias, Elias, you are such a cunning scamp I sometimes forget you really are a newly arrived probationer,” she interrupts. “The Exarch is a high-lineage draughir with a penchant for Vigilance. When he says we can have guests over, what he actually means is that he is so concerned about the state of the Empire that he is grudgingly willing to have a few carefully chosen people over.”
Elias steeples his hands. “I see, Magister. So what you are saying is that we should invite people for ‘observation’…”
Asenath smiles appreciatively, then sighs. “Not exactly, though you might pique his interest if you put forward one or two names on those grounds,” she chuckles. “Let me ask you a question. That list you have there; how many of them would you vouch for? I mean really, really vouch for, trust your life and soul to? Of those you trust, how many are verifiably competent? How many are articulate, in a manner concomitant with the tenets of Wisdom? And, of that rare breed, how many are ready to hear the lessons of the Creed? And, of those, how many have something to say that he will consider worth hearing? Hmmm?”
“I see.”
“You do now, yes? Good. Because no-one is going to get past the gates that is not vouched for by a member of the Chapter and even then – woe betide the Brother or Sister who brings someone to the Chapter’s inner sanctum that could threaten it. I will gut them and their guests like fish before he even has to raise an eyebrow. This is not an invitation to the hostel in Bastion, Elias. This is an invitation into our home. No one is usually allowed here who has not taken the keys.
Bring me people you would trust in the company of Cyrus’ nieces. Or, better yet, people who can match Bilquis and Delilah in Vigilance, Loyalty and Courage. And, above all, come ready to accept the consequences of your actions.”
OOC Note:
Hello people!
On 9th June, at 9pm, booking for the event will be opening to people other than Felix’s Watch players. If you would like to attend the event there are some things you need to know – things we thought you might find it useful to know in advance of that date.
The event is happening in the Chapter House of Felix’s Watch, not the accessible hostel in Bastion but the actual Chapter House that is situated near the top of a mountain. The Watch has a stern Exarch and a very particular creed. It’s not the kind of Chapter that throws open parties. The event is not an auction or a ball. There is no conceit of “you all appear in the haunted castle by magic” like the excellent House of Leaves event. To get to Felix’s Watch you have to climb a steep and perilous mountain at the end of which you will find a wind-swept fort. Unless you are a goat, this is not the kind of place a character ends up by accident!
So, my friends, your character needs a reason to attend but, most of all, your character needs to be expected or they will be turned from the gate.
Let me be absolutely clear: OOC, the event is not “invite only”! And the Chapter is actively looking to gather some people for discussions, so you can assume your character has heard about this gathering somewhere even if you do not know the Chapter. But, IC, the Chapter has a particular flavour which we really want to try and convey. Consequently, attendees will need to be vouched-for by a member of Felix’s Watch IC before we accept the OOC booking. Please take this as it is intended: an active invitation to engage with us and the full and flavoursome world of Empire cultures before the event, be it by letter or in person on the field.
Now I know what you are thinking: “But, Chiara, the 9th of June is before E2!” Fear not, my lovelies! We will be holding back some tickets to release after E2. This way people who want to play things out on a field can do so.
This decision is also informed by the fact that the full reasons for this so-called ‘relaxing social event’ are not yet known even to the Chapter members themselves. Far away, things have been set in motion, things are brewing, things that are yet to be uncovered and the outcome of which may inspire a slightly different group of characters to attend as well as those who want to find out more about the chapter (see separate forthcoming blog about the nature of the event for more info on whether this is the event for you!).
So there you have it. The booking opens at 9pm on 9th June but some other spaces will be made available later in the year. All will be revealed in due course. Go forth and role-play to your heart’s content. That is after all what this is all about!