
A pen is dipped into the ink and hovers over the paper. The Recorder reads the notes softly:

Discourses for the Winter’s Gathering of Souls
– Brother Accalon on ‘Ways for the Synod to Connect More Easily to Imperial Citizens’

“Hmm, needs a more concise title …”

– Grandmaster Zephaniah on ‘Paragonic Inspiration’
– Sister Asenath and Brother Luke: ‘The Influence of the Realms on Humanity’s Manifest Destiny and How to Oppose That Influence’
– Brother Nicanor on ‘The Path of the Probationer: Guidance and Protection for the Soul’

After a moment of thought, the pen scratches more words:

– Exarch Cyrus on ‘Battlefield Discipline: An Ambition Too Far?’

“I wonder if that’s everything …?”