[Sweeping noises]
“Be careful with that basin, daughters: you almost knocked it over.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“Why are we sweeping the dormitories, Mother?”
“Because we have visitors coming. You know about the visitors, Delilah. You invited some of them. Or did you think I had forgotten about that?”
“No, Mother.”
“But why are we sweeping the dormitories? Usually when someone comes to the chapter you give them a broom.”
“Or a shovel.”
“Those are Probationers or, occasionally, very unwary travellers. Or that one visiting mage who annoyed your uncle and had to be … Never mind. The point, daughters, is that they were not guests. We are trying to make the chapter-house welcoming.”
“Why by…sweeping and…tidying up and …putting…herbs…out. We are trying, daughters. So are you.”
[Some time later]
[Scuffling and muted giggles]
“Watch out!”
“Don’ push me, Delly!”
“You’re going to drop them!”
“Bilquis? Delilah? What have you there?”
“They’re paintings, Mother. Of Virtuous and Improving subjects. We painted them for the guests.”
“We’re goin’ to put them in their rooms!”
“I see… Wait until they are dry, then, daughters, and perhaps you should ask which guests will be in which room before you start putting out any art. We wouldn’t want to start a diplomatic incident because some sensitive fool took offence at your picture of … what is this?”
“It’ Emp’ress Britta!”
“Of course it is, and that’s a labyrinth and that’s … I hadn’t heard that horses breathed fire, Delilah.”
“It’s not breathing fire, it’s striking up flames with its hooves!”
“Oh, of course.”
“And neighing a battle cry.”
“Naturally. Very well, let them dry and then we will see about putting them out.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“I didn’t realise you had any paints left after that incident last month.”
“We didn’t. Dorcas had a paint box out, though.”
“And she let you use it? That was very kind, I hope you thanked her properly.”
“Not ‘xactly.”
“We didn’t exactly ask, Mother.”
“No? Then what did you…”
“But she was sitting right there. And we did leave a note.”
“And what did it say?”
“…you lack vigilance.”
“Well, that seems quite satisfactory. Run along now.”